Posted in 2020
Stringer Self Hosted RSS Reader
- 27 December 2020
My setup is using the docker compose file and a local build of the docker image
(since docker hub image is years old). Here is a dark theme (solarized) for the
CSS. Just paste this over your stringer/app/assets/stylesheets/application.css
file. I did not spend much time on it but it looks good enough for my taste.
The Perfect Neapolitan Pizza
- 13 December 2020
In Italy a society; Associazione Verace Pizza Napoletana makes the rules when it comes to every aspect of the Naples pizza and they describe the rules of a Naples pizza in extreme technical detail here this is a great read if you are a pizza nerd and it details the exact procedure to cook a perfect Napoletana pizza.
AWS Sagegemaker Jupyter Notebook
- 06 December 2020
I wanted to upgrade the version of pandas that comes with AWS Sagemaker Notebook to > 1.1 because this simplify handling of group by with null or NaN values.
The Best Garlic Chilli Prawns πΆπ€
- 24 November 2020
These are mediterranean style garlic chilli prawns, normally I double the garlic and chilli for this recipe and the oil is so good to dip with warm fresh crusty bread.
OSS logstash with AWS Opendistro for Elasticsearch
- 22 November 2020
To get logstash talking to the Open Distro Elasticsearch the first thing that should be understood is that open distro only works with the OSS (Apache 2.0 Licensed) edition of the Elastic tools and not the Elastic licensed edition (Xpack).
Intercept HTTP/HTTPS TLS traffic
- 22 November 2020
Use open source project mitmproxy and have visibility into what iOS apps (or anything else) are sending back to their mother ship.
Moved blog to alabaster with Sphinx
- 21 November 2020
Mostly notes to self on how to deploy and architecture / setup. Inspired by
SES Email client for S3
- 19 November 2020
You can conveniently browse the SES mail in S3 using this tool
Logstash ingestion of AWS billing customer usage reports
- 15 November 2020
To get the CUR reports into elastic search:
Kubernetes tips
- 08 November 2020
The problem is solved by removing the leading slash after the podname colon separator:
IAM resource based policy implicit allow
- 28 January 2020
Resource policy are typically used to allow cross account access for resources where it is supported some of which include:
AWS Boto KeyError endpoint_resolver in when using multithreading
- 14 January 2020
When using multithreading in Python with AWS boto to get a session I was randomly hitting this error:
Route 53 Associate multiple private hosted zones with same name
- 10 January 2020
Can I associate multiple private hosted zones with the same domain name to the same VPC?
CloudTrail and VPC Endpoints Logging
- 10 January 2020
Today I learnt that AWS CloudTrail does not log requests that are denied by VPC endpoint policy. The reason for this is that it would allow an attacker to exfiltrate data via CloudTrail and the VPC endpoint outside of the VPC! (For example by sending lots of requests with data you want to extract in the request fields)