Posted in 2024

Native K8s Sidecar Containers with gluetun

I tried to use the new Kubernetes native Sidecar Containers introduced since v1.29. The initContainers and pod were stuck in PodInitializing state and the other containers were not starting up.

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External-DNS Policy flag

The behavior of the external-dns --policy flag is not documented in the external-dns docs. After looking at the code and experimentation the flags work like this:

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Cert-manager can’t find route53 secret

It seems I did something to delete the original cert-manager Route53 secret, renewals and new certs failed with this error:

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Opensearch failed to obtain node locks error

My cluster would not start up after killing the containers using the force, which means elasticsearch / opensearch did not get a chance to cleanly shutdown and remove the lock files. The error looks like this:

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Comso Synaptic Theory

I sometimes think of humanity and myself as creatures floating in space, trying to understand our physical cage with science, math and physics. Then I begin to compare our struggle to unravel the mystery of the universe to an ant who has been asked to prove the earth is round, struggling to perceive the true nature of its own physical cage (does the ant even need be asked, perhaps they are thinking about this all the time).

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